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About Us


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Welcome to the Geeseytown-Newry Lutheran Parish!

We are a parish comprised of two churches served by one pastor, and we are passionate about serving our local communities in Blair County and sharing the love of Christ


We hope that through this website, you can learn more about who we are and what our passions are.  May God bless you as your search for your church home! If you would like additional information or would like to visit, please feel free to reach out to our pastor at


We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

and part of the Allegheny Synod



What Lutherans Believe:


As Lutherans, we walk by faith, trusting God's promise in the gospel and knowing that we exist by and for the proclamation of this gospel word. We proclaim Jesus Christ crucified and raised from the dead for the life of the world. As the apostle Paul wrote (Romans 1:16-17), and we echo in our Constitution (2.02), we are not ashamed of this gospel ministry because it is God’s power for saving all people who trust the God who makes these promises. “We are to fear and love God, so, that we do not despise preaching or God’s word, but instead keep that word holy and gladly hear it and learn it” (Small Catechism).


God’s word, specifically God’s promise in Jesus Christ, creates this liberated, confident and generous faith. God gives the Holy Spirit who uses gospel proclamation – in preaching and sacraments, in forgiveness and in healing conversations – to create and sustain this faith. As a Lutheran church, we give central place to this gospel message in our ministry.


We understand to be Lutheran is to be ecumenical – committed to the oneness to which God calls the world in the saving gift of Jesus Christ, recognizing the brokenness of the church in history and the call of God to heal this disunity.


Our History:



The Geeseytown-Newry Lutheran Parish was formed in 2008, for the purpose of mutual ministry and being able to better serve our communities. Though this parish is relatively new, our member churches are two of the oldest congregations in Central Pennsylvania.  Newry Lutheran was founded in 1801 and Geeseytown Lutheran was formed in 1883; some of our historical ‘highlights are listed below.


Newry Lutheran Church:

The church was founded in 1801 when Patrick Cassidy deeded a tract of land for the building of a Lutheran Congregation with the stipulation that a church be built on the site within one year.  The congregation did form and put up a log church, however it was apparently several years before the building was completely finished.  Popular history within the congregation is that in the first years the church had a dirt floor, did not have proper pews, and held a pulpit made from unfinished lumber. However, records indicate that by 1816 the congregation had improved the building enough that it was able to purchase a new pulpit for $40.


During these early years Newry had many different pastors, most serving from 2 - 3 years.  One of the most notable was Rev. JCF “Father” Heyer.  Pastor Heyer was the pastor at Newry from 1820-22.  He is more famously known as the first American Lutheran missionary.  Father Heyer opened up the mission fields in India, and is seen by many as the ‘father’ of Lutheranism in India. 


Newry was the primary Lutheran church in our area throughout the 19th century.  The ‘Newry Charge’ served as a base of operation for ‘missionary pastors’ who served as circuit riders into western Pennsylvania.  Newry also served as the ‘Mother Church’ for several congregations in this area offering financial support and members to form new congregations.  Churches that were formed out of Newry Lutheran or which Newry was instrumental in the formation  were 1st and 2nd Lutheran in Altoona, churches in St. Paul East Freedom, Christ in Claysburg, St. Luke Roaring Spring, and Evangelical Duncansville.


This spirit of reaching out and assisting in mission and outreach has always been a part of the work here at Newry.  One of the lasting missions of the church is Camp Sequanota (the summer camp of the Allegheny Synod) in Jennerstown, PA.  When Camp Sequanota was formed in the late 1940s, members of the Newry congregation, led by Mr. Charles Shaw were instrumental in the construction of the camp.  Mr. Shaw organized work details from Newry to travel to the camp site and clear land and build some of the initial buildings.  Mr. Shaw’s team constructed what is now the camp office, the nature building, helped bring in cabins, and worked with the structures already on the site to convert them for camp use.  Newry has always supported Sequanota with regular financial contributions.  The church has also sent a large number of campers and counselors to the camp.


Geeseytown Lutheran Church:

The history of Geeseytown Lutheran begins in what was know as the Frankstown Lutheran Congregation that met in “The Old Log Church”.  The church was a two story log building, 30 feet by 30 feet with which was furnished with slab seats and a small table for a pulpit.  This church began being used in 1813 though the work of ‘finishing’ the church went on until 1825.  The building stood on the ground that is now the upper part of the Geeseytown cemetery, roughly 400 yards from the current Church.


Worship in the “Old Log Church” declined in the 1840s for two reasons.  In 1832 members of the congregation who were travelling from Hollidaysburg petitioned the synod that they might be allowed to have services held there.  This was granted, and by 1839 this group had formed built a church and had organized as Zion Lutheran. 


Through the 1840s, there was a move away from German language services.  The Frankstown congregation, however, doggedly held to their traditional services.  This began an exodus of members from this congregation as they moved toward the English language services in Hollidaysburg.  Eventually the numbers got so small that the congregation could no longer support a pastor, and it closed.


For the next 40 years Lutherans in the area were served by the congregations in Hollidaysburg and Williamsburg.  But in 1882, a move began by those members of the Hollidaysburg congregations that lived at Frankstown to reestablish a congregation at the old church.  Seventy members organized and the synod allowed the reestablishment of the congregation in 1883.  However it was decided that it would be better to build a new church rather than repair the original.  From this the Geeseytown Lutheran Church was formed, the cornerstone of the new church being laid August 19, 1883.


So what have we been doing for the last 125 years?  Geeseytown Lutheran has faithfully served as a spiritual home for the people of Geeseytown, Turkey Valley, Scotch and Juniata Valley.  We have been marked by strong Sunday School programs and involvement of children in the church.  If anything we believe that our congregation (both congregations of our parish) are places that are welcoming and open to all people.  We will never be a mega church.  But we are a place where you can come in and meet people, where everyone will know your name, and where people are hoping to meet you.



Our Pastor:


The Rev. Marty Jo "MJ" Irvin-Stellabotte









Pastor MJ accepted the call to serve as pastor at  Geeseytown-Newry Parish in October 2021. She is a 2021 graduate of United Lutheran Seminary and a native of Altoona, PA.


Before becoming a pastor, she worked in the fields of public relations, marketing, and fundraising. Pastor MJ is also a graduate of Penn State University (BA) and Saint Francis University (MBA). She and husband Tim are the parents of one daughter, Morgan.


Contact her at


Help Those In Need



“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to
the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

Geeseytown / Newry Lutheran Parish


Newry Lutheran Church

1030 Shamrock Lane

PO Box 397

Newry, PA 16665

P: 814-317-5287


Geeseytown Lutheran Church

462 Route 22

Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

P: 814-696-0743

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